Making Tomorrow Different Today.
Benefits of recycling your solvents

ChemChamp’s patented, ATEX-approved solvent recycling solutions will help you contribute towards a sustainable future and achieve your company’s environmental goals, while simultaneously reducing operating costs.

Dynamic to fit your business needs
At ChemChamp, we offer solvent recycling solutions to suit various requirements – whether your business needs to recycle 20 litres per day, or thousands! We evaluate your solvent recycling requirements and install the specific technology best suited to your business operations.
Easy, hassle-free implementation
ChemChamp’s patented technology acts like its own contained chemistry lab, requiring minimal intervention and time to operate. Automatic units with one-button start-up . Minimal intervention required. No supervision necessary.
Cost Saving
Unlock significant savings with ChemChamp! Our innovative solution allows you to transform your solvent waste into a valuable resource. Over 80% of your used solvents can be recovered for reuse, sparing you the expense of purchasing new solvents. Choose sustainability and cost-efficiency by recycling with ChemChamp – turning waste into savings!
ChemChamp’s patented distillation process provides as much as 95% of recovery efficiency with very low power consumption. Minimal electricity usage for maximum solvent recovery. Patented ‘Vapor Management System.
Through innovative technology, we have refined the ChemChamp units to the size of a work desk. Now you can reclaim floor space that you currently have allocated to solvent waste storage. Our largest, highest capacity system requires the space of three standard pallets Our smallest unit takes up as much space as your desk chair
Our systems provide an advantage in that the process can be controlled precisely. Precise temperature and pressure control, ensuring pristine quality Recovered product is being utilised in some of the most exacting environments including hospitals, medical device manufacturing, aerospace and high tech manufacturing
The reality is that most customers need a partner in order to be successful with this process over the long-term. This is the level of service you can expect – we have the passion and dedication to ensure the process is a success on day 1 and day 1000.