Free Pilot
Making Tomorrow Different Today.
Try out our Free Pilot Programme before you buy!

At ChemChamp, we are creating a sustainable future through leading-edge solvent recycling technology. Thousands of customers have experienced the value of using our innovative solutions for onsite solvent recycling. Now you can too – through our pilot programme.

We begin each project by proving its performance at your site, using your solvent waste to show you the full value. Our team will determine which solvent recycling system best suits your company’s operating needs by analyzing your chemical specifications and waste streams. We then ship and install the system at your site and train your staff on how to use the automated, single-button start recyclers.

The pilot programme is free of charge and ChemChamp handles all planning and installation – we understand that your time is money and our goal is to make this process as simple and seamless as possible.

Step 1

To qualify your application, we need to know: Type of solvent/chemical, Type of contaminant and, Monthly waste volume

Step 2

ChemChamp will determine which system will work best for your operating needs. We will then install and configure the equipment at your site free of charge and provide training to your staff.

Step 3

Once you are completely satisfied with the quality of the recovered chemicals, and the simplicity of the solvent recycling process, we will activate your service.